Digital Systems Program, Homebush and Sydenham Control Centres

Transport for NSW
2012 - In progress

Abergeldie has been engaged by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to replace the existing signalling and train control systems at Homebush and Sydenham with modern, internationally recognised technology. These works are part of the Digital Systems Program, aimed at enabling more frequent and reliable services for commuters. 

Scope of works

Homebush Control Centre Main Works:

  • Construction of server rooms to house the Traffic Management System (TMS), Digital Radio System (DTRS), and Trackside Deployment Areas 1A and 1B servers, with upgrades to air conditioning, HVAC, fire rating, and power supply. 
  • Installation of new and modified internal walls. 
  • Implementation of security and access control measures (CCTV, swipe card access). 

Sydenham Control Centre Main Works:

  • Construction of server rooms to house the TMS and Trackside Deployment Areas 1A and 1B Servers, with upgrades to air conditioning, power supply, HVAC, and fire rating. 
  • Installation of new modified internal walls. 
  • Creation of new workstation areas by extending this existing building. 
  • Implementation of security and access control measures (CCTV, swipe card access).

Leveraging collaboration and communication effectively 

The project team accelerated the Digital Systems Program works swiftly, overcoming challenges posed by COVID-19. Positive working relationships with specialists from Sydney Trains played a crucial role in maximising opportunities to complete the works outside the constraints imposed by the industrial action. Additionally, the team re-staged and prioritised works where possible.


Modernising systems for reliability

The upgrades will provide modern, internationally recognised, intelligent systems that help to improve reliability and provide increased capacity, and an enhanced experience for Sydney train commuters.